The premiere horror literary convention presented by the Horror Writers Association.
Virtual Panel: Flipping the Lid on Mental Health in Horror
Virtual Panel: Horror Collaborations
Librarians’ Day Panel: The Rising Popularity of Folklore and Fairy Tales in Modern Horror, Moderated by Ben Rubin. – Not to be confused with folk horror, the use of cultural stories of folklore and fairytales continue to serve as a storytelling device in modern horror. It is something that can attract new readers by making the genre feel familiar and accessible, while also highlighting the diversity of horror by drawing on cultural traditions from across the globe. Thus, it is a subgenre that is a must on all library shelves! Featuring Gwendolyn Kiste, Lee Murray, Cina Pelayo, and Yaika Sabat! 2 p.m. -2:50p.m.
Panel & Readings: Take a Stanza: The Poetry of Culture and Causes
Panel: Inclusive Ink: Crafting Diverse Anthologies